
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Looking Ahead

Well as usual i have not been completely focused on this blogging thing. I think because I don't get paid for my 2 cents I don't really take it very seriously. What has happened since my last couple of posts about successful weight loss, strong running and culinary advancement? In a nut shell the following happened:

1) Failure and a lesson in humility. I did not realize I needed some self reflection but this makes you feel as if there is some higher being who understands and knows what you require more than yourself. I plan on writing a post about this so I do not want to give to much away.

2) Physical exploitation envisaged, some of my running goals have been set. I do feel that they are a little ambitious but I shall also highlight them in a future post.

3) advancement of this blog, I've been seriously thinking about adjusting this blog to include all the knowledge, training, farming (yes farming), pictures and possibly making money of this avenue.

4) Recording and taking pictures of all my paleo, natualist, banting, mumbo jumbo eating and cooking exploits. These shall be highlighted weekly and I hope to introduce a video of my cooking.

The third point is what prompted this post on December 1st 2014. I want to hit the ground running in my blogging going into 2015.

Below are the physical markers that I have used so far. They are a little rudimentary but I plan on setting new markers to monitor going into the fifteens.

  Jan Feb May June  July Sept Nov
Weight (kg) 82,8 79,2 77,1 77,4 76,6 77,2 73,2
% fat 23,5 20,5 18,6 19,7 20,9 18,9 16,8
Mass fat (kg) 19,5 16,2 14,3 15,2 16,0 14,6 12,3

The numbers are looking very good. I have a adopted a more natural life style and ramped up my training. This is evidenced in the change between Sept and Nov. 

My old man does not approve of this new form. Maybe I'm now half the son I is used to be (start of a song). He is just worried I might be sick with something. You never know this could also be a reason. 

My running club, ACE, are giving me really awesome encouragement and are very inspired (I hope) by my results. The true results are the Comrades marathon and we shall see how my progress is effected. 

I qualified for the 2 demons of south African running, ok ok, 1 demon the other is just a stroll past 2 pretty hills ;). My marathon time was not great but I did qualify. The holes in my game where exposed and I have set about correcting them. I qualified at the beautiful Kaapsehoop marathon but I shall also write a post about that. 

This is my training program for this week. I am looking to possibly entering my first Ironman in 2016. To my loyal readers I hope to service you with more quality posts. Enjoy. Oh! I got a new Vibram five fingers, the Bikila LS, doesn't feel as great yet but I suppose I need to get into it. I got it from rather good website http://thesavage.biz/, enjoy

  Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning Rest weights, 1km swim 1km swim, spinning Rest Rest 20km Abs, Swimming Intervals
Evening 10km jog speed training Rest 10km Timetrial Rest Rest Rest