
Monday, July 26, 2010

on the rails

Well us nippers are still very much at the start of our quest, but 2 weeks are done and we are feeling good. WMS is really funny dude, he gets soo so stressed with what other people(being runners opinion) that he gets abit tired to train, not really he just wants to adjust our goal. He came to talk to me about the gravity of quest as if someone had died. You can just see he is the responsible one in the family. I also turn on the guilt a few times, damn that was abit evil, but I know my hiding is still coming.

Well how do I illustrate that the training has been a success, well the obvious one is to put up pics, that is such a verimark move then I will have to convert the picture into gray scale. So I will take measurements at the beginning of every 4 weeks, the finer details of those measurements people can debate with me one on one, otherwise you will just have to do with the numbers. Weight 84.1kg, body fat 25.2% and waist measurement is 102cm

as far as eating goes I have gone cold turkey, gave up coke and everything fried,(wan tym), I only ate 2 vanilla cupcakes, oh sooo good. My good friend makes these delicacies, http://lulus.viviti.com, check out the website if you'll are interested.

Rant time, I hate people who Whine, full F(expletive)ing stop. And you can tell the whiners as those items who complain before the moment of stress is coming. EXAMPLE (and I am using myself to illustrate the point) I have decided to run the comrades marathon, and months before I complain that its too far, its too hectic, its the up run, I need to train for 2 years, I need to look like lance armstrong, Indians eat too badly, I can't stay away from the magical samoosa and and and. Seriously I would kick my fat butt all over the wall. I knew all this shit about the race, the difficulty and I have decided to do it. So I should suck up and get down to it and give it my best shot. I don't sit around and complain and my negativity will impact some dude, who is really giving it a proper shot, breaking his will to go for it. I'm being inconsiderate, selfish and most importantly justifying my failure to come. That's right I are already written myself off. There is a fine line between complaining, being realistic and whining and that's about 5mins.

And whiners are only that way because they are embarrassed, why? because they are embarrassed to fail. Everybody fails at some time or another, its how you pick yourself up and (fortune cookie moment) move forward that determines your inner strengh and makes you a better person.

You get people who sit on a fat couch and criticise other people, whiners are the slightly evolved version of these dumb F(expletive)ers. Who attempt something so they have material to carry on criticising.

Anyway that's enough on my rant, next rant will be arrogant tossers!

These days i've been feeling abit like a chicken (not really but watch the movie food.inc). Let me elaborate farmers keep chickens in a house, with the windows closed, pump in hot air, and have the lights turned on constantly. Result, chickens ready to be dinner in half the time (1.5 months vs 3 months) and poor conditions for these creatures. How does that relate to my feelings, I'm at work, in a cubicle, small window, artificial light,all i do is be productive, I also eat, catch a 1st order relief and when I have good roughage 2nd order.

Ok I lied I don't feel like a chicken , because I enjoy what I do, the challenges, the colleagues, the interactions and opportunities. But the way people work has a huge similarity to a chicken coup, hey this sounds remarkably like matrix, except we are being turned into beings that churn out numbers, facts, get fatter, irritable, can't walk properly, heart afflictions, eish this is getting a bit depressing. any way you get the idea!! (In matrix people were turned into batteries, basically , for the younger ones)

Probably someone will read this and make a prequel to the matix, lol.........Neo will fall from the egg once eats the blue/red chicken feed, lol.

puck puck (chicken noise), until next time

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the beginning

well again i have stepped into something "what everybody else is doing"........well for slightly different reasons.

1) Motivation, my training partner, Walter Scharf, and myself will be attempting the 2 oceans marathon and comrades next year. The question will inevitably come, are you'll mad and the answer, short and sweet, YES, and if you want to bother us with weird stories of strife, difficulty and failure my words to you are, "We do not give a flying F(expletive) what you have to say" and we will succeed, i hope:)
after statements like the ones mentioned above embarrassment will be a great motivator.

oh and if you have motivating words to say, you'll are female (cause things like that are too fluffy, for us cardboard main members(meaning gangsters) ;)
OR you'll are dudes with a more sensitive side...........:

and 2) airing my utterly pointless and completely useless views, and my thoughts on a variety of subjects. This is also illustrated in the choice of name for my blog. Masalatjol,which is broken into 2 words ,masala-which is a type of spice and tjol- which is a Afrikaans slang word for shit, kak, crap. All the feces related words are in reference to the contents of this blog, "pointless load of bullshit" daarsy!

just on the training, we are a week and a half into it, and man we have not needed much motivation to get up early and train. Its been good. My wife is also helping me with my weight training segment, damn she is rather strong!

the real test will be once we start our road work. I am mad excited and I will continue my training through Ramadan, that might be abit of a challenge.

since varsity I have had some awesome experiences, varsity was good, but post varsity was awesome, so I will try and highlights little moments and joys in the whole journey.