
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the beginning

well again i have stepped into something "what everybody else is doing"........well for slightly different reasons.

1) Motivation, my training partner, Walter Scharf, and myself will be attempting the 2 oceans marathon and comrades next year. The question will inevitably come, are you'll mad and the answer, short and sweet, YES, and if you want to bother us with weird stories of strife, difficulty and failure my words to you are, "We do not give a flying F(expletive) what you have to say" and we will succeed, i hope:)
after statements like the ones mentioned above embarrassment will be a great motivator.

oh and if you have motivating words to say, you'll are female (cause things like that are too fluffy, for us cardboard main members(meaning gangsters) ;)
OR you'll are dudes with a more sensitive side...........:

and 2) airing my utterly pointless and completely useless views, and my thoughts on a variety of subjects. This is also illustrated in the choice of name for my blog. Masalatjol,which is broken into 2 words ,masala-which is a type of spice and tjol- which is a Afrikaans slang word for shit, kak, crap. All the feces related words are in reference to the contents of this blog, "pointless load of bullshit" daarsy!

just on the training, we are a week and a half into it, and man we have not needed much motivation to get up early and train. Its been good. My wife is also helping me with my weight training segment, damn she is rather strong!

the real test will be once we start our road work. I am mad excited and I will continue my training through Ramadan, that might be abit of a challenge.

since varsity I have had some awesome experiences, varsity was good, but post varsity was awesome, so I will try and highlights little moments and joys in the whole journey.