
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

whooo hoo!

I have done it, I accomplished completing the 2 oceans marathon. 6 hr 45mins, what an awesome awesome ultra marathon. Let me give a brief account off the race.

The race was due to start at 6:25am from Newlands in Cape town. I got up quite excited at 3am and promptly began carbo loading. I took in 2 servings of future life and 4 servings of a carbo hydrate supplement. That gave me a total of about 300 g of carbs. I stocked up on my Gu products (squeezie). I had discovered a few days earlier a product known as GU Roctane, what a good product.

I left nice and early for the race, parked at the high school close by and walked to the start. At the start it was abit cold but I was just relaxing and taking it easy. Already I spent time meeting new people and watching the energy of some of the closer nit teams. The anglo american team jumps to mind as they hopped in place, singing and jiving.

We approached the start of the race and there were a few speeches, some song and then the start gun. Everything moved sooo so fast.

I started the race nice and easy and not pushing myself to make up the time. Trying to keep my rate down at 6min 40sec per km. Trying to fight the adrenaline was hard work.

I had to stop for some plumbing early on, when I had completed my pit stop, the whole race had moved on. I was virtually last.......what a shock. Just taking it easy I caught up to the pack.

Between Newlands and muizenburg I have no idea how fast that moved, but I was there. I pulled out pacing chart and a couple of people behind me chirped me that I should whip that out at the 28km mark. But looking at how I was faring 15km in was comforting.

While at muizenburg I noticed that the conditions for running were perfect. No wind, sun was out and the cold did not have much of a bite.

I met a couple from Canada, and we spoke for a while on strategies, work life in canada and how I like watching GSP defeat one and all in the UFC welterweight division.

I passed the stig and Bob skinstad. I chirped Bob that he was ahead of the stig, however these rugby dude are quite abit taller than myself, and there was the stig.

At the half way point it was quite shocking to reach there that quickly, although its the way I felt, time wise I don't think I made there that quickly.

Nooerdhoek was abit tough because I am not a fan of flat sections, then we hit Chapman's peak, where I promptly instituted my strategy 100 steps jog, 50 steps walk. I felt like I crushed Chapman's peak, quite a boost. The down hill was quite fast and just relaxed and let this geoid bluberry marble's natural centripetal motion do the work.....LAZY!

Then running through hout bay, I just imagined hitting the fish and chips place with my wife, a post race celebration.....good thought and accomplished was sooo good and awesome company.

Constantia nek started off nicely enough and I hit into my strategy nicely, then the last 500m were hectic I increased my walk to about 60-70 steps. It was beautiful but all I remember were the bar one chocolates that were being given out. I ate 2 :)

From Constantia the end is palpable and the downhill section went quickly, a little stinging uphill before the run into UCT.

At the end all the tired ness just vanished and I put foot. When I completed I was abit sore, but no knee or ankle pains.

2 days later I hit the gym, feel good. Now I need to take it easy and taper comfortably for comrades.

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