
Monday, August 23, 2010


the 1st kinks in my armour have shown itself, fortunately they are physical and not mental. I took wednesday training session off because my hammie was not feeling good and took saturday and will take today off because i've picked up a cold. heavy cough, major weakness and general nasal concerns. I did train on friday evening and it went rather well.

WMS and myself have outlined the Bela Bela marathon for a qualifying race, its not going to be easy. the 2nd half of the race is a kranker(all hill work), gonna be interesting.we will succeed!!

my eating has gone fairly well, nothing bad but I did slightly indulge on on thursday night. After a hard day on site and fasting a good 20 minutes later because the sun takes longer to set at altitude, I was the guest of my dear good friends the brothers FEK(&wife) and SEK(&wife) at SEK's abode. The chicken macaroni was awesome(I was accused of paying fake lipservice to the graze but it was seriously awesome) and a neat dessert(which whether was bought or home made, doesn't matter cause it was good), I did indulge abit but after doing my stats analysis was not too bad. FA the swaar of SEKandFEK was also present, that dude is F(expletive)ing unique, the way he talks, interacts and just general mannerisms, i don't mean in a bad way but a refreshingly unique way.

I have refined my goals wrt the marathons, after the 2 oceans marathon, I am going to chow a Fish and chips at hout bay, yes it is fried and yes I will chow it cause I would have earned it. then post comrades marathon I will crack a half (maybe whole) mutton bunny, yeah. Now those goals make perfect sense to me.

Well today i intend bringing a term to the forefront, brainstorming is when you have a problem and think major hard to come up with the solution, the process where you leave no stone unturned(mentally). Shit storming is when you leave no stone unturned in terms of talk or thought which is absolute shit (or tjol, as per bolg's title). the best shit storming sessions are when you are with good friends and where we just talk alot of tjol, especially at a meal or around a quality hookah.

U guessed it, there was a quality tjol session going down at SEK's abode on thursday night, the one item that was discussed and that I will share is that have I switched allegiances to the blue bulls, the short answer NO. If you had to go to fortress Loftess, those bulls supporters are on another level, like religion, paint house blue hire a bull level, infact they are so mad and crazy that they are on the same level as tik user, in the high tik-age(F(expletive)ing crazy), I will not,never,nada show my true colours which are black. I go so far as to say my blood is blue BUT my heart is black(under my breathe offcourse).

some might say i am a coward, but why get all serious and aggressive with someone just because we don't support the same team, defn not worth a hiding(receiving or handing one out).

so how does this madness help me, the best way I can ensure the protection of my kitties is too buy them little blue bull jerseys, the end result they will be both cute and safe!!! because no one and not even a taxi will harm a bulls supporter(human or otherwise) in Pretoria.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

inner strength

As a muslim, i'm into the most holy of months, Ramadaan, and due to the requirements, its very easy to just sit back and say because of the tests of this month I wouldn't train or train less, hell no, my training is continuing full steam ahead, true the training times have adjusted but I am hitting the 2nd phase of my training with just as much vigour. Initial readings show that I might have already lost quite abit of muscle, but no grief.

I had an awesome 1st road run on saturday, 8.2 km in 49 min, average speed of 10.05 km/h.....that is such an exciting time. And still the training is going strong, WMS and myself have decided to gun a marathon in November and we have settled on the Bela Bela marathon......."no pain no gain" and I am excited as anything

the biggest test to my lifestyle change was brought about yesterday when Ocean Basket(OB) had their birthday special, R9.99 for a fish and chips.......It was soo soo hard not to go down the road and have a small FRIED chow but I stayed away, and I feel better for it.....my inner strength prevailed!

I was going to catch a bus one day and took a very popular company brand for a trip to cape town, while waiting for the bus to stop I noticed that the waiting area looked remarkably like an airport layout, ticketing area, comfortable waiting area, announcements for the buses to be boarded, baggage areas, lady who ensures that you are on the right bus, checks that you have the appropriate ticket, shows you to the correct seat and at the end of the process you are even left with a ticket stub. It can try to seem like an airport, with all the frills but at the end of the day you still get onto a bus and you have to struggle for a 24 hours bus ride in short it feels cheap. That is exactly how I feel about RICA, the process that you have to put a face with detail to your cell phone Sim card. It tries to be all big powerful and important like, the bank equivalent, FICA but it just small sad excuse, all this is just a feeling. they should have called it something else.

You know you getting old when you read something and you have to look up the meaning of words, that's how I felt when I read my 1st scientific paper since varsity "the effects of pulse power on water treatment of hard water", eish once I got around the words the paper was fairly simple to understand, but what a shock very hobbit like intimidation.

"you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink" we all know the meaning but my solution to that saying is take a cat to water instead. Its always entertaining for me to pick up my kitties and drop them off by a puddle of water and they just drink, maybe its their inner stray. the inner stray is also responsible for the appetite, they eat anything and everything (obviously of a protein nature). The positive thing about the "inner stray" is that they are street wise and don't seem to be in danger of getting knocked by a car.IA

I think the reason cops turn to crime is that its soo difficult to remain on the straight and narrow, let me elaborate, a cops belt with a gazillion gadgets. If that cop belt was more simplified then a cop would be able to complete their duties quickly and efficiently. I was standing in a queue behind a cop and noticed the gadgets, Batman has F(expletive) all on them, this dude had a gun, walkie talkie, cell phone, touch, leatherman, pens, pencils, writing paper, small box I assume for bullets and cuffs. now imagine at that moment, a dude breaks into a car, he has to run after the dude catch him, pull a gun, call out, pull touch if the Baas-ted runs into a dark alley, call for help, cut wire with his leatherman , note the shopping list for supper, cuff the aforesaid Baas-ted, write him up and find the cop car, wait for help.........with the crime and legislation why doesn't someone design something that can assist cops to use the various gadgets quickly and effectively. anyway maybe in the future

To all my muslim brothers and sisters Ramadaan mubarak!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

bitter sweet

Its the start of week 5 of training, and I took my measurements. The stats reads as follows
body fat:23.6%
Its good that I lost some mass, however I feel like I lost to much and some simple arithmetic proved this, off the 3 kgs lost in 4 weeks, 2 kgs is fat (YEAH!) and 1kg is a combination of muscle and water (NOOOooooo!), i'm happy but not over the moon.
on monday, I let down my training partner, yes the dude who is meant to set an example completely stuffed up........what did I do?.........I did not get to the gym at the prescribed and agreed time. That is being a poor training partner and I should have known better!

I on my way to site on thursday and while on the flight I got to read ELLE magazine, apparently ELLE is French for girl. why would I want to read ELLE, simple that was the only reading material for me to read, I don't ever intend batting for the opposite team!
So I read a familiar "mens health" type headline, "what is he thinking in bed" and curious to see what women think men think during nookie time, and at the end of this huge article, I have absolutely no idea what we think or should think or ever thought. therefore magazines on human behaviour are B/S. I have a better chance reading ramblings from those star gazers!

Anyway with soccer and everything special in South Africa, I decided and my wife and I will attempt and check out everything "South African", So in that spirit we went to the knysna Oyster festival.

Knysna as a place is awesome. We checked out the knysna heads, view are spectacular, would recommend the featherbed tour. We ate at various restaurants in Knysna, things are cheap during festival time. Oysters taste very nice.

There is quite a number of things to do in and around knysna, infact too much for just a week, i need more time, we checked out bloukrans (Bungee), monkeyland, birds of eden, outshoon, kango caves, oteniqua tjoo choo(george-mossel bay). All of these activities are just awesome and you really earn your rest time.

2 items that stood out for us, was this place that we stayed in and just next door the eating place.
We stayed in the "Peace of Eden" the people are friendly, view is awesomeness, very peaceful, no one eyed bandit (TV) and 2 very cool horses and race horses at that. You can find their details on the net. It was the perfect place to come back to after a hard day of exploring and some wonderful peaceful sleep.

That brings us to "the red barn", next door to our accommodation is a macadamia nut orchard and in the orchard is the restaurant, 1st words that come to mind "peaceful". Then you sit for your meal, the chef comes out greets you and explains the menu (just like the F(expletive)ing movies), it was so surreal I felt like my desicision carried life altering consequences.
we ate oysters cooked in butter with macadamia nuts (so so good) as starters
I ate a chicken tikka(halaal) and my wife ate a vegetable meal (there are no words to describe how good it was, I fact my english is soo poor I cannot describe how good is was)
desserts(never never gonna eat that mass produced shyte ever again) apple pie and chocolate swiss roll, in the chefs words "fine confectionery!" and sir it was!
Now I am the type of dude who will not go out to eat a salad, but man even the salad was done with a personal touch.

As a result of my trip to knysna, I have found an appreciation of the finer things in life and now I take things easy and do things that are of benefit and have given up fast food(as a meal) only in dire circumstances. this helps with eating well as well.

the location of these places are in Rheenandal, which is about 2 kays(and I didn't make a typo 2km) outside khyna in the hills, very peaceful and worth the trip.

verdict unless you drink alcohol or doing some endurance race, the festival was lost on me abit, except there were loads of cheap oysters. Knysna in its own right does not need a festival to draw attention to itself, its an awesome awesome place, people are helpful and friendly, peaceful and safe.........next time I will visit in my summer holiday break(need to save leave).

Monday, August 2, 2010


I am a rather big(for the moment literally) rocky fan, oh balboa is the man, anyway all that's left is find for us to find a couple of awesome road routes and statue to run up to, until then we are still in the gym hitting the treadmill.......but we could watch rocky :)

Week 3 completed and it went well, so far, we are into a awesome rhythm.I did drink a sprite zero on Thursday and the guilt is still nailing me, what happens when I visit my in laws, they take care of me tooo well, food is on another level(awesomeness), just dreading that trip. MWS did miss a training day but he is on a different mission he wants to change into a navy seal, yes like GI jane navy seal, hardcore item, and he does not want to be a female, i made mention of the movie for illustrative purposes, cause navy seals are hardcore dudes and its reflected blah blah blah(I have to put the disclaimer, health and safety purposes, don't want to piss of a training partner,navy seal.........ok never mind). his goal is well over my ability and when we do the races its going to be like "the penguin" running next to Batman. Rather embarrassing for me.
ENOUGH tjol!

Progress wise my hard run is 9km/h for 20mins at a 5% incline and my easy run is 9km/h for 20mins at a 1% incline. I feel alot learner, comfortable and a couple of my older garments are fitting better. Next week monday will be the start of week 5 and I will give an update on my personal stats.
We have outlined 3-4 races before the end of the year, personally I feel that they are challenging but we can definitely overcome them. The difficulty is not hobit/ring level!

besides, all the conditioning we are receiving from the contractors, Grief5 in particular we can overcome any adversity.They are also responsible for me drinking the sprite zero, B(expletive)!!!

I don't really feel like ranting today, don't really feel the fire, but it was about arrogant people and I don't mean Australian arrogance, because those mother fathers have mad self belief and are quietly confident.............but people who behave as if they are gods gift to humanity.nuf said!

Well in the last week I have witnessed, mentioned and thought of some funny and disturbing things, here they are below

1) I witnessed a taxi stop and give way for 3 cars to cross in front off him, this was soo amazing that I didn't have time to feel any road rage, and yes I do have my moments.

2) I witnessed this dude driving an X6 go completely ape, on a poor(because her car was crap), female, black learner driver at 11am on a saturday morning. I know that the tosser did not have his hypothalamus(part of brain that secretes the nookie hormone) satisfied the previous night. To that dude I say, self service my man self service!

BTW He almost knocked me in his moment of rage and because I was disgusted by his behaviour I would have probably unleashed some rage of my own, bring out whatever MMA I had learnt in the past year, I would have gone UFC on his ass!!!

Too all those fortune cookie peddlers about 2 wrongs don't make a right, I say F(expletive) off!

3) I said 2 phases that draws its inspiration from TV and just general slang
"he is about as useful as shit scented ear rings"
"my shit is so good its almost urine" slang that associates feces with the number 2 and urine with the number 1

4) "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Who ever mentioned that saying definitely was watching cats(the actual animal and not andrew lloyd webbers musical classic, haven't seen that though), cause every time I mop the floor my kitties cruise by and stare intently, with like demented excitement. Its weird cause they can be else where in the house and they will come running to view the action within a minute.And its not curiosity cause they chill for the full time I mop the floor and they show up everytime.

I'd like to surmise what they are thinking and I think it would probably go along the lines of " ooh look at that piece of shit water, its gonna get it now, ehhehehehehe, that's it Mr mop(or MR floorwhiz, not sure if my kitties can read) do the game, you are my hero" (sounds kind of like fluffy hero worship, similar to how bulls supporters support their team)

fingers crossed for good personal stats, peace
My cats are from KZN, we now stay in gauteng, are my cats having the same problem of having to sharpen up their afrikaans for the new environment. Are all meows created equal?