
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

inner strength

As a muslim, i'm into the most holy of months, Ramadaan, and due to the requirements, its very easy to just sit back and say because of the tests of this month I wouldn't train or train less, hell no, my training is continuing full steam ahead, true the training times have adjusted but I am hitting the 2nd phase of my training with just as much vigour. Initial readings show that I might have already lost quite abit of muscle, but no grief.

I had an awesome 1st road run on saturday, 8.2 km in 49 min, average speed of 10.05 km/h.....that is such an exciting time. And still the training is going strong, WMS and myself have decided to gun a marathon in November and we have settled on the Bela Bela marathon......."no pain no gain" and I am excited as anything

the biggest test to my lifestyle change was brought about yesterday when Ocean Basket(OB) had their birthday special, R9.99 for a fish and chips.......It was soo soo hard not to go down the road and have a small FRIED chow but I stayed away, and I feel better for it.....my inner strength prevailed!

I was going to catch a bus one day and took a very popular company brand for a trip to cape town, while waiting for the bus to stop I noticed that the waiting area looked remarkably like an airport layout, ticketing area, comfortable waiting area, announcements for the buses to be boarded, baggage areas, lady who ensures that you are on the right bus, checks that you have the appropriate ticket, shows you to the correct seat and at the end of the process you are even left with a ticket stub. It can try to seem like an airport, with all the frills but at the end of the day you still get onto a bus and you have to struggle for a 24 hours bus ride in short it feels cheap. That is exactly how I feel about RICA, the process that you have to put a face with detail to your cell phone Sim card. It tries to be all big powerful and important like, the bank equivalent, FICA but it just small sad excuse, all this is just a feeling. they should have called it something else.

You know you getting old when you read something and you have to look up the meaning of words, that's how I felt when I read my 1st scientific paper since varsity "the effects of pulse power on water treatment of hard water", eish once I got around the words the paper was fairly simple to understand, but what a shock very hobbit like intimidation.

"you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink" we all know the meaning but my solution to that saying is take a cat to water instead. Its always entertaining for me to pick up my kitties and drop them off by a puddle of water and they just drink, maybe its their inner stray. the inner stray is also responsible for the appetite, they eat anything and everything (obviously of a protein nature). The positive thing about the "inner stray" is that they are street wise and don't seem to be in danger of getting knocked by a car.IA

I think the reason cops turn to crime is that its soo difficult to remain on the straight and narrow, let me elaborate, a cops belt with a gazillion gadgets. If that cop belt was more simplified then a cop would be able to complete their duties quickly and efficiently. I was standing in a queue behind a cop and noticed the gadgets, Batman has F(expletive) all on them, this dude had a gun, walkie talkie, cell phone, touch, leatherman, pens, pencils, writing paper, small box I assume for bullets and cuffs. now imagine at that moment, a dude breaks into a car, he has to run after the dude catch him, pull a gun, call out, pull touch if the Baas-ted runs into a dark alley, call for help, cut wire with his leatherman , note the shopping list for supper, cuff the aforesaid Baas-ted, write him up and find the cop car, wait for help.........with the crime and legislation why doesn't someone design something that can assist cops to use the various gadgets quickly and effectively. anyway maybe in the future

To all my muslim brothers and sisters Ramadaan mubarak!

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