
Monday, September 13, 2010

breaking it down

well I lied, I am blogging after about a week, so what are my stats, it is week 10!
body weight: 77kg
body fat percentage: 20.65

waist measurement, 97cm

So since the start of this quest, I have lost 7 kgs, in 8 weeks and I have not eaten anything fried and just 1 sprite zero.....So the bottom line is there is progress.

When some one annoys me, just to show off I tell them that I lost 7 kgs(and as a secret inside joke, to expose their stupidity and ignorance), but its not as simple or rosey as that. off the 7 kgs only 5 kgs is fat, so that means that 2 kgs is a combination of muscle and water loss. So essentially what has happened is that my already slow metabolism has slowed even more because I have lost about 2 kgs of muscle (approximate). depressing :(

hopefully by my next measure I could drop about 1kg of fat but increase muscle mass. Back to hitting the weights!

Personally I would have preferred to have lost approximately 4 kgs after 8 weeks.

A few weeks ago, one of my friends was telling me that his body core temperature is 0.4 degrees lower than a normal human. I scoffed (secretly) at that bit of fact cause unless you are Lewis Gordon Pugh, how the F(expletive) are you going to determine that fact. I came across this interview of Mr Pugh, and he mentioned how Dr Noakes commented and coined the phrase "something" thermogenisis(or something funky like that), where essentially Pugh can raise his core temp in anticipation of swimming in really cold environments. He mentioned that before he swam doctor Noakes stuck a thermometer in his tush..............................huh WHAT!, yeah I wrote correctly he stuck a thermometer baby style, a way that gents of cape town can appreciate!

SO I wonder how did my friend determine his body core temperature, a very scary thought indeed!

I was at Eid namaaz, on friday and I was on my way to greet someone when I saw 2 off 6 year old kids, the one says to the other, "hey, titty come here, titty come here, here titty", to see 2 kids as young as that talking in that manner, on such a important religious day, after such an important month, just outside the musjid about 30mins after eid namaaz is initially hilarious..............however is this the state of the youth today(now I sound old), abit scary. Kids like this grow up to be brainless adults who indulge in dumb idol talk and carry on like cardboard gangsters without an original thought, or backbone, they become bullies.....like a couple of my dumb ass cousins.....the children of mordoor!

my wife has really awesome pretty hair and long, and so she was hitting the pantene where move they swirl their head and the hair follows, and because i am taller I can see the TV effect live. However it didn't quite come out, so instead of my wife trying again, I explained to her why it was impossible for, cause she was short and therefore could not create enough torque on the very light hair strands to create the desired motion. Now I am convinced I am a dork and engineer (in the cliched sense) and I love it. However my wife proved me wrong and did it properly the on he next attempt.

Don't i feel stupid, not at all, she properly relied on her muscle strenght to increase her centripetal force and create the effect (my wife does train weights after all, and is not as weak as move of my male friends) or she is an anomaly, that would make her NEO and me gay........nope nope it is her strenght training that gave her ability to turn on a pantene moment (moment hahahaha, get it, force times distance equals moment, pantene hair movement requires a moment, hahahaha)..........what a dork!

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