
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I am a comrade :)

It has been 3 weeks since I completed the comrades marathon, and its only started sinking in now what I have achieved. Its abit unbelievable. I completed in 11hr 54min. That is a long time to keep moving but I am over happy that I achieved what I set out to do at the start of this blog, almost 9 months ago.

Here is a brief recount of my race.

I was not nervous at all, in fact the racing bug had struck and I was just excited, so much so that I got up at 2:45am to start carbo loading. I took in 300 g of carbs in cereal and carb shakes. Then I changed into my gear. I felt quite fat because of the carbo loading and the tapering before the race.

My wife and father in law dropped me of at the start. Just walking towards my pen, I was taking in how beautiful durban looked. As I entered my pen and looked for the 11hour bus, my strategy was to take it easy. I met one of my friends and he had come just to race until drummond and then drop off. He had completed the down run the previous year and he was giving encouragement in that I was quite ready for the race.

The gates separating the pens when down and you could almost feel the energy. The national anthem played, I sang it with all the energy and thought this is what it must be like to play for your country...incredible. Then started shoshaloza, the energy was picking up pace. The cockerel, with so much history when of, chariots of fire and bang! it had all began, the 2011 comrades marathon.

I was into a small jog, but the energy of the supporters of extraordinary and you just wanted to move faster. On the N3, it seemed like a stadium, with supporters on all sides with the flood lights bright.

Along the way I saw a few friends who where quite shocked to see me running. I was equally shocked to see them supporting. I kept up with the 11hour bus quite comfortably. However I did stop to take a leak around the 35km mark and lost the bus all together.

I was on my own for quite awhile, keeping a good eye on my times. Inchanga was quite a beast long, hot, far, steep just plain hardcore. I did a status on facebook but essentially it goes like this chappies and constantia nek bow before inchanga.

Then onto the a rather flattish section, more undulating onto umlaas road(highest point of the race). Before then I was running around harrison flats which was abit boring and freaking hot and then I saw my loewely, beautiful babbi. She came running to give me some puri patha, I turned it down and my father in law trying to get the perfect shot of my running, i'd like to believe my speed surprised him, hahaha. My mom-in-law and sis-in-law where also there. It was one of my highlights.

Around camperdown, the 12 hour bus caught me up, I was so stressed, because if the 12 hour bus passes you, you rather drop off the race, or so I have been told. I looked at my timing charts and noted that this bus was ahead of schedule, way ahead. But I joined the bus than try to fight it and the energy and fun was quite refreshing. Faizels bus!.As approaching little pollys and big very beeg pollys, the wisdom of our pace came through. We had just under 2hours to complete 12 km. We walked little pollys. The legend was proven, people were vomiting on the way up, some guy offered me mountain dew, because the water tasted crap. I was in no mood for the squeezies I was taking. I reached the top and hit a chilled walk to the finish.

I ran to into the stadium and the emotion of finishing was string. I held back the tears. Males don't cry, weep any fluffy stuff. I had completed the greatest human race, the comrades ultra, I a mere mortal has challenged and conquered a most challenging of trial. Who would have though. I would not have succeeded without the support of my lovely wife, my in-laws and my dad, who came to pietermariztburg specially to see me finish.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

whooo hoo!

I have done it, I accomplished completing the 2 oceans marathon. 6 hr 45mins, what an awesome awesome ultra marathon. Let me give a brief account off the race.

The race was due to start at 6:25am from Newlands in Cape town. I got up quite excited at 3am and promptly began carbo loading. I took in 2 servings of future life and 4 servings of a carbo hydrate supplement. That gave me a total of about 300 g of carbs. I stocked up on my Gu products (squeezie). I had discovered a few days earlier a product known as GU Roctane, what a good product.

I left nice and early for the race, parked at the high school close by and walked to the start. At the start it was abit cold but I was just relaxing and taking it easy. Already I spent time meeting new people and watching the energy of some of the closer nit teams. The anglo american team jumps to mind as they hopped in place, singing and jiving.

We approached the start of the race and there were a few speeches, some song and then the start gun. Everything moved sooo so fast.

I started the race nice and easy and not pushing myself to make up the time. Trying to keep my rate down at 6min 40sec per km. Trying to fight the adrenaline was hard work.

I had to stop for some plumbing early on, when I had completed my pit stop, the whole race had moved on. I was virtually last.......what a shock. Just taking it easy I caught up to the pack.

Between Newlands and muizenburg I have no idea how fast that moved, but I was there. I pulled out pacing chart and a couple of people behind me chirped me that I should whip that out at the 28km mark. But looking at how I was faring 15km in was comforting.

While at muizenburg I noticed that the conditions for running were perfect. No wind, sun was out and the cold did not have much of a bite.

I met a couple from Canada, and we spoke for a while on strategies, work life in canada and how I like watching GSP defeat one and all in the UFC welterweight division.

I passed the stig and Bob skinstad. I chirped Bob that he was ahead of the stig, however these rugby dude are quite abit taller than myself, and there was the stig.

At the half way point it was quite shocking to reach there that quickly, although its the way I felt, time wise I don't think I made there that quickly.

Nooerdhoek was abit tough because I am not a fan of flat sections, then we hit Chapman's peak, where I promptly instituted my strategy 100 steps jog, 50 steps walk. I felt like I crushed Chapman's peak, quite a boost. The down hill was quite fast and just relaxed and let this geoid bluberry marble's natural centripetal motion do the work.....LAZY!

Then running through hout bay, I just imagined hitting the fish and chips place with my wife, a post race celebration.....good thought and accomplished was sooo good and awesome company.

Constantia nek started off nicely enough and I hit into my strategy nicely, then the last 500m were hectic I increased my walk to about 60-70 steps. It was beautiful but all I remember were the bar one chocolates that were being given out. I ate 2 :)

From Constantia the end is palpable and the downhill section went quickly, a little stinging uphill before the run into UCT.

At the end all the tired ness just vanished and I put foot. When I completed I was abit sore, but no knee or ankle pains.

2 days later I hit the gym, feel good. Now I need to take it easy and taper comfortably for comrades.

Friday, April 15, 2011

the little tests

Its been 1,5 months since my last blog, which is quite naughty of me. However there is alot more for me to report back on. I have completed the Vaal marathon and I completed in a time of 4hr 40mins. I qualified for the 2 oceans and comrades marathon. I have also completed Om Die Dam ultra marathon a mere 2 weeks after the vaal marathon. The time was abit hectic but it did give me confidence of what to expect in the 2 oceans. At the time of writing this blog post it was a mere 7 days until my trip to cape town for the epic 2 oceans. I feel a quite confidence and I am experimenting with the correct foods to eat. Diet is proving quite helpful. I will not over stress myself but rather do the race to complete because a 4 weeks later is the comrades, the biggee, umero uno! I am excited and scared at the same time. keep running :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

chickens and eggs

I was hoping to give some good news, that I had qualified for the 2 major ultras this year, but alas no. I cut my thumb pretty deep on the day before the race and had to go to hospital 5 stitches!

So education time, why does cutting thumb affect you from racing?

1st u have to understand the severity of the wound, the blood was the enough to fill 2 dish clothes. The wound was deep.

So the affect:
1) when racing your heart would be throbbing, the excess pressure on the thumb would result bleeding through the stitches

2)With the sweat and the slightly open wound the result could be a rather serious infection

3) When running your legs receive alot of trauma, and since your body will send healing reserves to your legs , the thumb will heal slower.

So there you have it, my race plans were de-railed by a cut thumb, now I will need to do some serious thinking in order to complete my next race. we'll just have to see:)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Race gear

I did the bronkhorstspruit 32 km race in an 3:30. It was a spur of the moment descision. At least I got to see how I perform under race conditions for a longer distance. The strategy of 35/5 paid off quite handsomely. It will leave me with 1:30 to complete 10km, definately doable.

I purchased a Gaumin 310XT, I got it pretty cheap considering the price range and if I had to invest in a polar with all the gagets would work out to the same price. What an awesome watch, I am fortunate that I will test it out at my 1st major event this year, the sasol 42.2km race in secunda.

My race kit, is a combination of scientific advanments, superstition and strategy.

Shoes- I run in a saucony Jazz, which I picked up pretty cheap and is suited to my running style, mostly neutral. I had this tested at my gear shop, running inn. When I put on my treads my feet sing, it just feels that good.

pants- I wear a new balance compression tights to race, for protection from muscle fatigue, sun effects, wicks away sweat and chaffing

shirt- I wear a heat gear top, which fits similar to a rash vest. This is primarily for protection from the sun and chaffing

vest- the vest displays my running club, running inn, my racing license and race number

cap- protection from the sun

watch- to give me time, splits and race. If you are aware of your performance then it is less stressful when you race.

small bag- to store my squeezies and car keys

squeezies- which I take for energy during my run. I know experts say that there is no difference between the brands but I have tried out USN and muscle science and they both didn't match up to the brand GU. Maybe its psycological but it certainly feel better

balance band- The jury is still out whether it works or not, and I am skeptical myself. I am fortunate that I received it for free from a rep, so if you have it why not use it.
Just a small note with respect to those who are against it, citing what happened in australia, it should be noted that there are people who have an effect on them that are opposite to what is described, in other words their flexibility and strenght reduces, they become weaker, please explain that effect in terms of "its all in the head".

on training runs I run with a maxed hydration pack, which is invaluable to longer distance training and you certainly up your performance on the shorter distances.

Next week I hope to bring good news from my marathon, hold thumbs!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lantern bitter sweet

I completed the Irene 10km Lantern race and this race was real fun, only draw back that the start was abit congested. My time 59mins, yeah! I broke my PB by about 4mins and dipped under 1hr. The bitter part of this race was that I didn't follow my strategy, 35/5. Something in me reared its ugly head, PRIDE. This is quality that leads to arrogance and generally people like that just plugs.

Let me elaborate, I was too proud to walk the 5 mins that I was meant to. I just wanted to push through to "show off". I was also embarrassed cause I was there with all my gear and I was walking. This is something I need to be mindful off and stamp out of my personality.

The great thing about the night race is that my bubbles was at the finish, with a quality basil pesto and sun dried tomato pesto pastas. I know this is contrary to popular running culture that you carbo load before the race. We had a wonderful picnic after the race.

So with that I am going to push myself onto the 42.2km sasol marathon. Next blog up I will discuss my gear and what works for me.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feeling the Mojo

Well since the Soweto marathon, i've been feeling abit hesitant with my running, not really motivated, but I was doing somw quality kilometers (average 40km per week). Come the pwc race in PTA, I completed the 21.1 km half marathon. I tried my strategy of 35/5 for the 2nd time on race day and not to stop within 3km of the finish. the Result: 2hr 10min 16sec for the race. WHOOO (F#$%ing)HOOO, to say that I am happy is an under-statement. I was so amped I hit my training runs with more vigour. This motivation is still in its infancy but it feels kind off good.

The next step is that I have to qualify for the comrades/2 oceans. I was thinking of doing the Pretoria marathon but on much advise and though I am giving this race a pass. The other option was some race in Petermaritzburg, but its a tad far. So I finally settled for the Sasol marathon in Secunda, the race advertisement said flat and fast, which played a huge role in my decision. Is that taking the easy way out. Maybe but I am not going to stress myself more than I have to.

So why does this half marathon make me feel better than the half that preceded the Soweto. A couple of reasons
1) I felt really good after the race, felt comfortable and didn't need much rest.
2) finished the race without niggles
3) I have alot more information on myself and the way I react to distance races
4) There is no other issues plaguing my mind before the race.
I was there both mentally and physically.

I think i'm going to do another 10km race to see if I can break the 60min mark. (set up a PB)
the half marathon that I downed, I crushed my PB by almost 5mins. I got one word......stoked!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


well its been almost 2 months since my last update, which is really bad and shows no commitment to my goals.

Anyway I have been acquiring quite a few running goodies, and have been trying strategies to see how I fair.

I have outlined the Pretoria marathon at the end of february as my qualifying race. I hope I qualify. I can feel the stress.

Training is going well, I run twice a day, 4 days a week and hopefully by march I will achieve about 160km a week.

My weight training partner and partner for life, zakkiya, is the immovable stone of support and i am sure that I will triumph.

I did a 10km race on the 15January and to my surprise with an adjusted strategy was in line to complete 10km in under an hour......was...... then I took a wrong turn and I completed 11.5km on a 10km race. boy I am smart. However at least I am faster than my slowest 10km time.

anyway until next time, which will be soon, peace